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At Float Hub, we believe everyone deserves access to the tools for peak physical and mental well-being. Whether you’re a weekend warrior or an elite athlete pushing your limits, our unique combination of float therapy and red light therapy can be a powerful addition to
your recovery routine.

In this interview, we chat with Ojie Edoburun, Commonwealth Gold Medallist sprinter, and Team GB & Adidas athlete who uses Float Hub to
stay on top of their game.


Finding Stillness in the Storm

Can you tell us how Float Hub fits into your recovery routine, and why you choose this centre?

“It’s a massive part of my recovery, because it allows me to reset and refocus during my
training week. Training can be very intense and a moment of stillness gives me the fuel
I need to finish the week strong. I chose this centre because of how peaceful it is, the staff
are amazing too.”

Float therapy provides a much-needed escape from the intense demands of training. Our sensory deprivation pods remove external stimuli, allowing athletes like Ojie Edoburun to truly reset and refocus. This period of deep relaxation allows the body to repair and rebuild, while the peaceful environment fosters mental clarity and focus. Additionally, Float Hub’s commitment to cleanliness and personalized service ensures a truly restorative experience.

Benefits Beyond the Physical

After experiencing float therapy at Float Hub, what specific benefits have you noticed in your training and performance? Can you elaborate on the areas you’ve seen the most significant change?

“I’ve found I’m able to hit more intense sessions more frequently, the main areas of change
have been more in my mental state. I feel more present and patient in my training.”

Float therapy’s impact extends far beyond the physical. Ojie highlights the enhanced mental state – feeling more present and patient – as a key benefit. Floatation promotes mindfulness, allowing athletes to quiet the mental chatter and focus on the task at hand. This improved mental clarity translates to better decision-making and a more controlled approach to training.

Red Light Therapy: A Boost for Body and Mind

Can you describe your experience with red light therapy at Float Hub? How does it complement your training regimen?

“Red light feels like a flush of fatigue from my system, creating good blood flow and helping
my skin too. It gives me a lot of energy and improves my mood too.”

Red light therapy offers a unique set of benefits for athletes. As Ojie describes, it helps remove fatigue, improve blood flow, and even enhance skin health. These combined effects translate to increased energy levels, improved circulation for faster recovery, and a more positive outlook – all crucial elements for peak performance.

Building the Mind-Muscle Connection

Both float therapy and red light therapy can enhance the mind-muscle connection. How have these treatments helped you achieve this in your

“I feel more in sync with what I want my body to do on the track, historically I’ve had a
disconnect with the two but now I’m more aligned.”

The mind-muscle connection is vital for athletes to achieve optimal performance. Float therapy and red light therapy work synergistically to improve this connection. As Ojie explains, these treatments have fostered a deeper sense of body awareness, allowing them to execute movements with greater precision and control.

Conquering Pre-Competition Jitters

Top athletes often experience pre-competition nerves. Does Float Hub’s unique combination of therapies help you manage these pre-race anxieties?

“Anxiety has been a massive setback for me in my racing, as I often think too far ahead in
the future. When I’m floating I’m able to practice being present and being at peace with my

Pre-competition anxiety can be a major hurdle for athletes. Float therapy’s ability to induce a state of deep relaxation allows athletes to practice mindfulness and stay present in the moment, just like Ojie. This newfound peace of mind translates to calmer nerves and a sharper focus come competition day.

Sharing the Benefits

Would you recommend Float Hub’s services to other athletes?

“Most definitely, not only for the physical benefits but more the mental aspect too.”

We believe that both the physical and mental benefits of float therapy and red light therapy can be transformative for athletes of all levels.

The Power of Combination

If you had to choose, do you have a favourite treatment between float therapy and red light therapy, or do you find the combination to be most beneficial?

“I can’t pick one over the other! I love combining both treatments as they complement each
other really well.”

Just like Ojie, many athletes find the combination of float therapy and red light therapy to be most effective. Each treatment offers distinct benefits, and when used together, they create a powerful synergy for optimal recovery and performance enhancement.

A Game-Changer for Champions

Overall, what are your final thoughts on your experience at Float Hub? Is there anything else you’d like to share about the positive impact it’s had on your training and well-being?

“It’s been a game changer for me, I’m thankful I reached out and was able to partner with
them on my bid towards breaking 10 seconds in the 100m.”

We thank Ojie for being generous with his time, and love having him around to bear witness to how the power of float therapy and advanced full body red light therapy can have tangible benefits for the human body & mind, all the way up to finely tuned elite athletes.

We are proud to partner with athletes on their journeys to achieve greatness, and we are committed to providing a haven for everyone seeking to optimize their physical and mental well-being.

Ready to Experience the Float Hub Difference?

Whether you’re an athlete pushing your limits or simply looking to improve your overall well-being, Float Hub would love to help. Contact us today to learn more about our services and book your first float or red light therapy session.