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With heavy hearts, we have made the difficult decision to temporarily close until such time that travel is deemed acceptable without risking further spread of Covid-19.

This will be for at least 2 weeks from Friday 20th March, and we will keep lines of communication open as there are further updates.

We are confident that floating provides a safe, sterile environment for all, and that as purveyors of isolation pre-Covid-19, we’d represent an extremely low risk of transmission even without the extra measures we have been taking to ensure disinfection.

That said, though as far as we understand current PHE guidelines we are good to stay open (indeed, centres in California have been told to stay open by health authorities as they “provide an essential health service that customers cannot provide themselves in their own home”), as a small business that cares deeply about it’s community, we do not feel we should be asking anyone to travel to us across London whilst the government tells us this novel Coronavirus is in the aggressive growth phase.

I’d like to express thanks to everyone that has been involved with Float Hub in our first 8 months. There have been some real highs, plus it’s been both a steep learning & hugely positive experience. The best of which has been meeting so many of you, and seeing the many ways people find benefits from floating.

Float Hub was set up to help people improve their well-being, and we feel that now this is as important as ever. We believe floating to be a powerful tool for aiding well-being, improving lives, and personal growth – and will be back doing our best to deliver the ultimate float experience as soon as the UK has this under control.

Stay safe & see you soon,


Founder, Float Hub